Egg cartons make great storage boxes for small ball ornaments and other small glass ornaments.
Be sure to dust your ornaments before putting them into storage so they are clean when you are ready to hang them the next year.
Use jewelry gift boxes for flat ornaments.
Wrap strings of lights around rolled up newspaper, plugging the ends of the light strings together.
Package any spare lights or parts to decorations in the same package as the matching decoration so they can be found easily when needed.
When removing decorations to make space for holiday decorations, place the “all year” ones in the holiday boxes. They will have storage packaging and will be handy to put back when the holiday decorations come down after the holiday.
Hang your holiday tablecloths inside-out on skirt hangers in your closet. Place the hems in the hangers to save unwanted creases. By hanging them inside-out the creases will unfold when placed on the table and no dust marks will appear on the edges if stored without being protected in plastic dry cleaner bags or garment bags.
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